Friday, June 24, 2011

The Beatles: And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make

Where can you start with the Beatles.  Easily the most famous group in the history of music, they tend to be quite polarizing.  More than most bands out there, you love them or you hate them.  Generally, those who dislike the Beatles tend to do so because of a feeling that the Beatles are overrated.  I however disagree.  When I see the Beatles, I see a band that on their merits of the quality of their work, easily deserve their place as one of the best (if not the best) group in history.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

Separating the Actor from the Character

I have been on vacation, which has made it hard to keep up a blog, but while on vacation I started thinking about a subject I found quite interesting.  Oftentimes, people have trouble separating the character from the actor playing that character, especially if that was a "breakout role" for that character and they are not known for a ton else before it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Clash: More Then They Seem?

I was looking through my iPod for something to listen to and settled on The Clash recently.  I figured "hey, I haven't listened to them in a little while".  I started listening and was thinking that they didn't sound all that much like what I know to be punk.  People refer to them in the same vein as The Sex Pistols and The Ramones because they were the forerunners of Punk Rock.  However, The Clash has a sound that is much more.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Concept of Drama.

An Idiot commenter got me thinking about drama recently.  It was on an AV Club article about how Attorney General Eric Holder wants there to be more episodes of The Wire.  Someone commented that they couldn't sit through the pilot because it didn't have enough action.  It got me to thinking, have the action movies of our day diluted people's views of drama?